

Kimberly Kotty is finishing up her 14th year of teaching English at Fenwick.
KK我两个都是B.A. 中等教育/英语和硕士学位.A. 德保罗大学写作、修辞学和语篇学硕士.

KK: I worked in International esball世博 for the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business at DePaul. 我的大部分工作是组织学生的申请论文, 推荐信, 还有学校成绩单. I was fascinated by the way in which each country has such completely different ideas about what “official” documents should look like. Some were small books that looked like a passport and had hand-written records while others were very large sheets of paper with embossed wax seals. 那是一份很酷的工作.

KK: 我才刚开始 埃莉诺·奥列芬特完全没事 盖尔·霍尼曼.

KK: 我最喜欢做的事情就是和我的孩子们在一起. Random living room dance parties and digging in the sandbox have become the greatest pastimes ever. 除此之外,我真的很喜欢跑步.

KK: 我打羽毛球, 在乐队里吹单簧管, and was a member of both the Student Council and each of the Class Clubs.

KK: I am the moderator of the Student Council and the Poetry Club.

KK: Fenwick students are extremely driven and extremely competitive. They set lofty goals for themselves and are relentless in their pursuit of those goals. 他们很忙,有很多事情要做.  他们也很有礼貌和善良. 作为学生会主席, I am often the “middle-man” between vendors (like florists and banquet managers) and our students. The vendors are often pleasantly surprised by our students’ manners.  

When did you decide to become a teacher, and why did you choose this field?
KK: 我从很小的时候就知道我想成为一名教师, and I’m grateful that my little brother mostly tolerated my endless desire to “play school.“我也有一个高中英语老师,夫人. 霍夫曼,他对我很有启发. 我是一个笨拙的少年, and she made me realize that it was okay to just be myself and geek out over words. She helped me find my passion and be comfortable in my own skin.

KK: I love that I can share my love of language and my love of learning with others. I mean, basically, someone pays me to read a lot of literature and talk about it with people. 还有什么比这更好的呢? Despite having taught the same texts so many times, each class always brings something new to them. I often find myself saying, “I have never thought of it like that.” Teaching is this weird balance of total monotony and constant change. 尽管我成年后的生活都是按铃安排的, I walk through the doors each day a little bit uncertain of how things will go. Perhaps this is why I am able to encompass the entire range of human emotions in a single school day — from awe to frustration to belly-laugh hilarity.

KK: 我最喜欢教的课是美国研究. The class is team-taught by an English teacher and a history teacher and spans two class periods. We use an interdisciplinary approach to help students better understand the influence of our social and political history on ordinary people. Because the class is based on discussion and because we spend two class periods together, 学生们有真正的社区意识. Working with a co-teacher also is fun; it is not uncommon for us to interpret texts and events differently from one another, 我们并不羞于表达这些分歧. We try to model for students what academic argument looks like and use this as a tool for engaging students and emphasizing that t在这里 is often more than one “right” answer.

What personal strengths do you find especially helpful in your teaching?
KK: 我的热情和精力在课堂上是宝贵的财富.

KK: I’m certainly most proud of my former students who have pursued the path of their dreams — from attorneys, 给物理治疗师, 致警务人员, 致电影制作人, 商人们, 甚至还有几个英语老师. The fact that so many have reached out to tell me about their adventures and their successes makes me feel as if I played some small part in helping those dreams come to fruition.

What do you think is the greatest challenge facing students today?
KK: Without a doubt, digital technology is the greatest challenge to students’ lives. Aside from the general distraction that they cause making it virtually impossible to complete any task in a timely manner, it is the immediacy of information that is the most concerning. 学习是一个缓慢而混乱的过程. Being able to seemingly answer a question instantaneously can be deceptive; having an answer can easily be confused for understanding an idea. Our society seems increasingly comfortable with simple answers and seems to resist complexity and nuance. We must teach young people to seek out complexity and to be wary of simple answers.
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